How will my transition to the Bosphorus Gaz Corporation A.Ş. portfolio be achieved?

1.    Following the completion of the procedures that pertain to the inspection, assessment and evaluation of the information, facts and data relating to your application for subscription,  and provided that the offer to be submitted by BOSPHORUS is deemed acceptable, the process will be duly initiated for you to be incorporated into our portfolio.

Note: As a consequence of an amendment effected in the “Electricity Market Free/Eligible Consumer Regulations”, promulgated by the EPDK, it was decided that the implementation and the effective date for the changes in the portfolio of subscribers receiving energy from the distribution companies will be operational and valid as of the 1st of each month. Owing to the pretext of the mentioned application, you are kindly advised to initially get in touch with us in order to ascertain the most suitable dates for the delivery and submission of the pertinent documents required for your eventual transition to the BOSPHORUS portfolio.

2.    The agreement or contract that will form the basis of our offer will be essentially prepared mutually and counter-signed reciprocally, enabling the fulfillment of the obligations, liabilities and responsibilities hereunder.

3.    Under the precepts and provisions of the “Electricity Market Free/Eligible Consumer Regulations”, the documents as well as the related information, facts and data will be received from you by us for eventual submission and communication to the TEİAŞ-Market Financial Balancing and Settlement Center.

4.    Any and all information, facts and data relating to your subscription are entered into the TEİAŞ-Market Financial Balancing and Settlement Center’s (“PMUM”) system template by the BOSPHORUS.

5.    Our demand for the portfolio change is checked and verified by the TEİAŞ-PMUM and the Distribution Company with which you are affiliated.

6.   In the case and in the event that your existing supplier considers it appropriate and conducive for you to exit the portfolio and provided also that the set of your documents is complete and without any missing or deficient elements, your transition to the BOSPHORUS portfolio will be approved and authorized, in regard to the fulfillment of the requirements stipulated under the applicable system.

If you are enthusiastic to obtain detailed information, facts and data pertaining to the periods of change of supplier concerning the free/eligible consumers, you are kindly advised to refer to the relevant section incorporated into the “Electricity Market Balancing and Settlement Regulations.”