In my capacity as a free/eligible consumer, what are the basic characteristics and features required for my reading meter?

According to the precepts and provisions of the EPDK’s “Electricity Market Balancing and Settlement Regulations”:  it is imperative that hourly and three-phase time-slotted meters must be installed.

According to the precepts and provisions of the EPDK’s “Procedures and Principles Pertaining to the Profile Application for Use in the Settlement Calculations Pursuant to the Electricity Market Balancing and Settlement Regulations,” which went into effect on the date of 11.06.2009, it is imperative and mandatory that proper meters that are capable of taking measurements on the basis of settlement should be installed by the consumer to the measurement points which have recorded consumption in the volume of 800 MWh or above, belonging to the preceding year and/or having realized that quantity within the current year, to be undertaken in a period of two months, and covered under the scope of the mentioned settlement.

Moreover, it is essential that such meters should be so designed and equipped with serial communication to enable remote reading, and capable of receiving and monitoring data on an hourly settlement basis and store such data for a period of 45 days.