Q?Who and what is a Free/Eligible Consumer?

The real persons or legal and corporate entities which are privileged and entitled to exercise the discretion of choosing their own supplier owing to a consumption over and above the electrical energy quantity as specified by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (“EPDK”) (the Free/Eligible Consumption Limit determined for 2013 is 5,000 kWh/year) or are connected directly to the transmission system are classified as the “Free/Eligible Consumers,” and therefore retain the right to select their own suppliers.

Q?When and who determines the Free/Eligible Consumption Limit?

The figure is determined by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (“EPDK”) until the 31st of January of each year, and is publicized, disclosed and announced accordingly.

Q?How will my transition to the Bosphorus Gaz Corporation A.Ş. portfolio be achieved?

1.    Following the completion of the procedures that pertain to the inspection, assessment and evaluation of the information, facts and data relating to your application for subscription,  and provided that the offer to be submitted by BOSPHORUS is deemed acceptable, the process will be duly initiated for you to be incorporated into our portfolio.

Note: As a consequence of an amendment effected in the “Electricity Market Free/Eligible Consumer Regulations”, promulgated by the EPDK, it was decided that the implementation and the effective date for the changes in the portfolio of subscribers receiving energy from the distribution companies will be operational and valid as of the 1st of each month. Owing to the pretext of the mentioned application, you are kindly advised to initially get in touch with us in order to ascertain the most suitable dates for the delivery and submission of the pertinent documents required for your eventual transition to the BOSPHORUS portfolio.

2.    The agreement or contract that will form the basis of our offer will be essentially prepared mutually and counter-signed reciprocally, enabling the fulfillment of the obligations, liabilities and responsibilities hereunder.

3.    Under the precepts and provisions of the “Electricity Market Free/Eligible Consumer Regulations”, the documents as well as the related information, facts and data will be received from you by us for eventual submission and communication to the TEİAŞ-Market Financial Balancing and Settlement Center.

4.    Any and all information, facts and data relating to your subscription are entered into the TEİAŞ-Market Financial Balancing and Settlement Center’s (“PMUM”) system template by the BOSPHORUS.

5.    Our demand for the portfolio change is checked and verified by the TEİAŞ-PMUM and the Distribution Company with which you are affiliated.

6.   In the case and in the event that your existing supplier considers it appropriate and conducive for you to exit the portfolio and provided also that the set of your documents is complete and without any missing or deficient elements, your transition to the BOSPHORUS portfolio will be approved and authorized, in regard to the fulfillment of the requirements stipulated under the applicable system.

If you are enthusiastic to obtain detailed information, facts and data pertaining to the periods of change of supplier concerning the free/eligible consumers, you are kindly advised to refer to the relevant section incorporated into the “Electricity Market Balancing and Settlement Regulations.”

Q?Can I obtain energy from BOSPHORUS for my subscriptions registered in different distribution regions?

According to the provisions of the “Electricity Market Free/Eligible Consumer Regulations”; the legal and corporate entities obtaining electrical energy at more than one consumption location situated in different distribution regions may acquire the status of a Free/Eligible Consumer by means of Application/Demand Consolidation and Combination procedure.

Q?What will happen to the pledge, guarantee and collateral that I have furnished to my previous supplier in case I decide to transit to the BOSPHORUS portfolio?

In the case and in the event that your transition to the BOSPHORUS portfolio has been approved, authorized and upheld vis-à-vis the TEİAŞ-PMUM, you are privileged and entitled to demand and re-claim the pledge, guarantee and collateral that you have furnished to your previous supplier

Q?Will there be any discount or reduction that I may be entitled to receive from BOSPHORUS?

As of the effective date of the agreement and contract, entered into and signed with BOSPHORUS, any and all changes, amendments and alterations that would be effected in the relevant legislations and laws as well as the provisions and terms of the rules and regulations and the pertinent communiqués, in addition to the applicable clauses of the tariff components and any and all new legislative provisions, resolutions, decisions and applications introduced and promulgated by the Energy and Natural Resources Ministry and the other concerned and competent authorities and institutions will be complied with and adhered by. Therefore, in the case and in the event that changes, amendments and alterations occur in the commercial terms and conditions, the parties will review and re-assess their commercial terms and conditions.

Q?If I ever qualify as a BOSPHORUS subscriber, will there be any change in the quality of energy that I obtain at present?

The energy supplied by BOSPHORUS is furnished through resort to transmission by means of using the TEİAŞ/TEDAŞ/Assigned Company transmission lines. In a technical context, there will be no physical change, amendment or alteration in your connection to the network or in the way and mode of your energy receipt.

Q?Will I incur any investment cost or extra expenditures in order to qualify as a BOSPHORUS subscriber?

Since the energy supplied by BOSPHORUS is furnished through resort to transmission by means of using the TEİAŞ/TEDAŞ/Assigned Company transmission lines (such as the line, power-distribution transformer, meter) there is no necessity for any additional investment or expenditure.

Q?In my capacity as a free/eligible consumer, what are the basic characteristics and features required for my reading meter?

According to the precepts and provisions of the EPDK’s “Electricity Market Balancing and Settlement Regulations”:  it is imperative that hourly and three-phase time-slotted meters must be installed.

According to the precepts and provisions of the EPDK’s “Procedures and Principles Pertaining to the Profile Application for Use in the Settlement Calculations Pursuant to the Electricity Market Balancing and Settlement Regulations,” which went into effect on the date of 11.06.2009, it is imperative and mandatory that proper meters that are capable of taking measurements on the basis of settlement should be installed by the consumer to the measurement points which have recorded consumption in the volume of 800 MWh or above, belonging to the preceding year and/or having realized that quantity within the current year, to be undertaken in a period of two months, and covered under the scope of the mentioned settlement.

Moreover, it is essential that such meters should be so designed and equipped with serial communication to enable remote reading, and capable of receiving and monitoring data on an hourly settlement basis and store such data for a period of 45 days.

Q?Who will I contact when confronted with rupture, malfunction, breakdown or operational flaws, defects and troubles in the receipt of electricity?

For any and all of the malfunctions, breakdowns, ruptures, suspensions and outages as well as the concerned repair and maintenance, supervision, controls and meter-reading functions relating to the electricity lines are under the responsibility of the distribution company with which you are affiliated, under the precepts and provisions of the “Electricity Market Balancing and Settlement Regulations,” dated 14/4/2009. However, our specialized and experienced staff will certainly assist you in the resolution of the problems and hitches that you may possibly encounter in your relations with the concerned authorities and institutions.

Q?Who will read my meter for eventual invoicing?

The officials of the distribution company with which you are affiliated will continue regularly to read and take measurements on your meter at the end of the concerned period, covered by the underlying consumption.

Q?Who will invoice official and public charges, deductions, dues and fees such as the Energy Fund, the TRT share, the Electricity Consumption Tax, the VAT and other applicable taxes and levies?

To be charged at the applicable amounts and rates, insofar as your consumption is concerned, the Energy Fund, the TRT’s share, the Electricity Consumption Tax, the VAT and other applicable taxes and similar legal dues, charges and payables will be deducted and withheld by the BOSPHORUS for eventual submission and remittance to the concerned authorities and institutions, and will be subsequently reflected on your invoice.

Q?How will the Inductive and/or Capacitive Reactive Energy’s invoicing will be effected?

In the case and in the event that the inductive and/or the capacitive reactive energy quantity taken by the subscriber exceeds the values specified in the existing body of legislations and rules and regulations, the related amounts are invoiced to the subscriber by TETAŞ and/or TEDAŞ and/or TEİAŞ or the assigned companies (the distribution companies), based on the valid and current tariffs.

Q?Where and how I shall pay my invoice?

You may pay the amounts incorporated into the invoices prepared by BOSPHORUS for the concerned consumption periods to the relevant BOSPHORUS account, as explicitly specified in the agreement or contract that you have signed