
bgc_tumbVenturing into the Turkish Natural Gas Market – still undergoing a protracted process of development and deregulation — with the double-tiered goal of operating both as an importer and wholesale supplier, Bosphorus Gaz also aims at asserting itself as a distributor and an investor.

Aware that such a challenge would require the support and expertise of a strong and qualified foreign partner, Bosphorus Gaz’s targets converged with strategies of Gazprom/Gazexport which were approaching the Turkish market with a long-term perspective and considerations, thereby gradually clearing the path for a mutually beneficial partnership.

Deriving substantial force from such a powerful collaboration, Bosphorus Gaz is now firmly positioned both to enhance its market share and accentuate its presence virtually in all segments of the energy sector with a sound and solid structure.

Önemli Uyarı !

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