Register Procedure

  1. Application: Copies of the electricity bills/invoices retroactive to the preceding one year (minimum belonging to the last two months) are dispatched to Bosphorus  Gaz Corporation A.Ş.
  2. Offer: The range of discount advantages, in connection with the bills/invoices that you have submitted to us, is provided to you in an offer, incorporating also our terms and conditions for the agreement or contract.
  3. Agreement or Contract: In the case and in the event that our offer is accepted, our standard electricity supply agreement or contract is transmitted to you for your signature.
  4. Registration: Following the dispatch and submission of the Agreement or Contract, along with the required documents for registration, such as the IA02 Form, attestation and circular of signature, photocopy of the Commercial Registry Gazette and the tax plate, to Bosphorus  Gaz Corporation A.Ş., the relevant registration procedures are performed and completed by Bosphorus  Gaz Corporation A.Ş. on the TEİAŞ system, to be operational and valid in the closest registration term.


Registration Periods:

If you are receiving your electricity supply from a distribution company (TEDAŞ), it is imperative that you must deliver and submit all of the required documents until the 5th of each month in order to be able to eventually qualify as a Bosphorus  Gaz Corporation A.Ş. customer. In the case and in the event that you are receiving electricity requirements from a privately-owned energy supplier, it is mandatory and imperative that you complete and terminate your application procedures until the 9th of each month in order to change your supplier.

Eligible Consumers Obtaining Electricity from TEDAŞ
Date of Application Date of Approval Date of Period Commencement
5th of December 22nd of December 1st of January
5th of March 22nd of March 1st of April
5th of July 22nd of July 1st of July
5th of September 22nd of September 1st of October

Eligible Consumers Obtaining Electricity from Private Energy Companies

9th of Each Month 22nd of Each Month 1st of first month subsequent to application


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